New Housing Initiative Helps LGBTQ Folks Find Stable Housing

On December 25, the We Thrive organization of Hyannis, MA, announced a new housing initiative for people who identify as members of the LGBTQ community. The We Thrive organization offers a shared housing resource w...


New Grants to Help Veterans With PTSD During the Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, veterans have been under a lot of stress. Many veterans have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of their time in active duty. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficu...


Have You Lost Your Job Due to Coronavirus? Here Are Some Resources

Unfortunately, many Americans have lost their jobs overnight due to Coronavirus-related government mandates. Many of the hardest-hit Americans are the ones who need income immediately the most of all. It's ea...


Free Personal Finance Resources

Very few people enter adulthood with a good sense on how to manage their personal finances. Unfortunately, it just isn't something that is fully taught in school. The basics of finance are important to being able to survive financially in this ...


Five Resources for Earning a Paycheck at Home

There have been thousands of viewers of Good Morning America who have sent us messages thanking use for helping them to make the money they needed while working at home. If you are one of those individuals, I would like to invite ...


Reasons Why Companies Experience Class Action Suits

Class action lawsuits can be a significant financial and reputational liability for companies. Businesses must understand why class action suits are brought against them and how best to defend themselves to avoid becomin...


10 Ways to Help Families That Are Food-insecure

Food insecurity had already been rising in the United States before the COVID-19 pandemic began. The pandemic has made the situation much worse for many American families. Millions of people who never visited a food bank bef...