Five Resources for Earning a Paycheck at Home

There have been thousands of viewers of Good Morning America who have sent us messages thanking use for helping them to make the money they needed while working at home. If you are one of those individuals, I would like to invite you to visit my website to tell me your success story. For anyone who hasn't yet taken the leap forward but feel as though you might be ready, I have co-authored Will Work from Home: Earn the Cash Without the Commute. This book is filled with ideas and new resources that will help you to get started working from home so that you can avoid the hassle of heading into the office every day.

Click here for an exciting glimpse inside the book.

For those who want some quick information, I'm here to offer some of my favorite resources so that you can start building your own empire from your couch. Here are five of my favorite resources to get you started on your path!

Turn Crafts into Cash

There are many people who hear a stream of compliments from their friends and family every time they handcraft something as a gift. What many people don't know is how easy it is to capitalize on your natural gifts and turn your hobby into a huge payday. If you spend time making clothing, jewelry, bath products, edibles, or pottery, it is easy to turn that into a business on Etsy.

In July of 2016, Etsy released information stating that they sold seven million dollars' worth of products. That is easy money in your pocket! Etsy reaches a global audience and only charges 20 cents for each listed item in addition to a 3.5% deduction of each sale.

Answering the Phone

Virtual customer service has quickly become one of the most popular stay at home jobs on the market. Agents can earn between eight to fifteen dollars in hour answering customer calls while wearing their pajamas, and many companies offer commissions and incentives to their best workers.

In addition, this field is actually growing regardless of how the economy is doing. LiveOpssay, Arise, Working Solutions, and Alpine Access are all big players in this field and they have all stated that they will be adding 7,000 new agents to their businesses by the end of the year; however, the competition is steep and they estimate that they will receive 90,000 applicants for these positions. If you want to give it a try, click her for interview advice.

Connect with the Global Market

More business is hiring freelancers who work from home, doing tasks from creating web pages to writing blogs. Two sites, oDesk and Elance, offer a middleman service between businesses and those who are seeking a job. They handle the entire process, from the hiring process all the way down to payment. On average, these websites will have 20,000 open projects at any time translating to millions in cash that could be yours.

To get started on the global marketplace, all you have to do is post your profile and take the optional tests to assess your skill level before you look for a job. After this, take a look through the posts and place a bid on the opportunities that you feel confident that you can complete. Many new workers will offer low rates when they start working with these companies to get their foot in the door, but over time you can raise your rates as you showcase your abilities.

Tutoring Around the World

It is also a good time to tutor those who need it, regardless if you are doing it online or not. If you want to tutor in an online classroom, you can use, which allows students to connect one-on-one through an interactive whiteboard, instant messaging, and file sharing.

This particular site pays between ten and fifteen dollars per hour and is looking to hire nine hundred new tutors this fall because of school starting. Science and math tutors are always in a high demand and frequently make more money. Additionally, you don't need a teaching certificate to do this work, although you will need a college degree to be accepted to this website.

Advise Online Web Users

Almost everyone who uses the internet has ended up on at some point because they offer answers for almost every question. They do this by hiring guides to write content based on their own personal expertise on a specific topic. If you have specialized knowledge, you can share the information that you have about your niche by finding the current recruitment categories and going through their application process. pays their guides monthly and offers compensation based upon the views of the page and the growth of your particular niche. In general, guides have reported about $1,500 a month for about fifteen hours of work every week and the company has reported that their best guides can make up to $100,000 a month if they work full time.

These resources are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you can do to earn money while working from home. There are hundreds of different companies that use home-based employees, so take the time to learn about what is available before you settle for something.

If you are interested in learning more and hearing about some of the challenges and triumphs that I have experienced, visit [website]. I have a specially created section regarding working at home from the Internet so that you can build your skills. Remember, just saying I wish I could work at home won't bring you a paycheck, but research and perseverance will.

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