Where are the Jobs Coming From?

According to every month's jobs report since January 2021, when President Joe Biden took office, the United States has apparently been adding more and more jobs. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there has also been a growing job shortage every month since Joe Biden took office. How can these two supposed facts exist simultaneously? They cannot, which leads to a much larger problem. There is something going on with the jobs numbers that are being fed to the public, and while it is rather easy to explain, it's very hard to get people to understand exactly what's happening in the country, if only because the mainstream mass media tells the general public a completely different story than what the numbers actually say. According to the media, that focuses on only the jobs report, America is gaining jobs at a record pace. However, where are these jobs actually coming from?

On its face, it's a very convoluted mess. Speaking without any ideology, any sides chosen, and only focusing on the factual data that is collected by the government, what America is dealing with is a combination of old jobs returning at a slightly higher rate than people are quitting their existing jobs. Round this off with the fact that long-time unemployed people can no longer file for benefits, and what you have is a nation whose net jobs created is at a historic low, with unemployment at historic highs, yet a mainstream media and government ignoring those two numbers to tell the public that everything is fine because only the net jobs gained matter to the economy.

It's a purposefully twisted narrative that is being fed to the American public. That much is a fact, based on the readily available data and statistics that anyone can look up and read. The question asked is: Why are they lying to people about the state of the job market? Is it to quell panic? Is it to make Biden look good? Is it to make Trump look bad? Answering that would be speculative; all that's clear and factual is that the media and government are lying about what's really going on.

The Same Companies Rehiring

The first way the American public is being lied to is by the government claiming that the unemployment rate is only 4.8% of the workforce. Perhaps you are a big fan of the current administration and do not believe that you are being led astray by these numbers. That is perfectly fine; about half the nation supports the administration. Though there are facts to consider here, chief among them being that the actual data adjusted beyond jobless benefit claims is that America has an unemployment rate of almost 20%.

How is this number real and the 4.8% a lie? Well, it starts with people who can no longer file for unemployment benefits. Once their benefits expire, the government stops counting them as unemployed. So that means millions of Americans who are not working are being counted as literally employed people, merely because they can no longer draw government benefits for unemployment. Does that seem right to you? Another reason the 4.8% is a lie is because it doesn't count the over 12-million people who have literally walked out on their jobs in protest due to pay being too low and working conditions being too unacceptable, or vaccine mandates. Because they quit and were not fired, they cannot file for unemployment benefits, and, again, the government does not count them.

The irony here being that under former President Trump, the government actually did try to count all of these people, and the mass media constantly reported on the millions upon millions of Americans who were unemployed under the Trump administration. This rallied all the Democratic Socialists like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to demand better job conditions and higher pay. Under current President Biden, however, these Americans do not exist. It's as simple as that.

The people gaining jobs, for which the Biden administration takes full credit, are people from Texas, Florida, West Virginia, Montana, and other states that have ignored vaccine mandates and virus closures. The administration excoriates them as reckless and dangerous, accusing them of murdering people with the virus, and then takes 100% of the credit for their jobs created and re-opening in those states. It's all a giant narrative that's false.

The Numbers Aren't What they Seem

The jobs Americans are getting aren't new companies moving into the nation's shores. That has not happened at all under this new President. They're also not coming from new businesses opening at all, but rather from businesses the government forced close reopening. Meanwhile, the government is counting those as new jobs, while sweeping over 10 million Americans under the rug and pretending they do not exist. It's a crazy time to be alive.

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